Monday, February 21, 2005

Burning the candle

So I resigned from a normal day job as of December. I specifically did this so I would have more time to devote to music, to hobbies, and so I wouldn't run myself ragged. A day job and 4 regular music jobs left me feeling pretty burned out. I never had a moment to myself, never had a day off, rarely had a vacation, as it took an act of Congress to get it worked out between all the job schedules.

Damn if I haven't filled up my schedule to where I'm feeling tired again. Grant it, it's all music related, so in that respect, I've succeeded in one of my goals. But once again, I'm losing that whole "time to myself" thing that I'm still craving.

And I want a vacation, dammit!

Friday, February 18, 2005

Slim Fast Snack Bars

Chocolate Muffin snack bars are the best invention in the world - they satisfy that chocolate craving without having to consume a candy bar. And they actually have nutritional value - yummy!

Really craving chocolate this week...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Morning trip

I used to see TV commercials about adults having trouble "being regular," and I never gave it much thought, other than "ewww, gross!" Now, however, since I have passed the magical 30-year mark, I have in the last couple of years noticed a definite morning pattern to my own "regularity." Furthermore, if evening has come around and I have not taken my morning trip, I notice it. On many levels.
This morning was a regular one. Some mornings are magazine mornings, where the ol' body says, "get comfortable, it's gonna be a little while." This morning, although a regular one, was a little different. The ol' body says, "hang on to something..." I have been attempting to improve my eating habits, and in the past month, my morning trips have often entailed the latter scenario.

Maiden voyage

Often perused 'em, never created 'em. Until now.